Instagram Marketing


To pursue my goal of working in social media marketing, I wanted more experience in that area that I could add to my portfolio. Through a volunteering platform called Catchafire I connected with Class Act Detroit, a growing non-profit based in Detroit, MI that runs digital arts programs for youth. The task was to take over their Instagram account for a couple months, creating images, illustrations, and captions and scheduling at regular intervals through the week.

The goal was to increase enrollment while expanding and polishing their presence on the platform. Furthermore, my work would allow executive staff to spend their limited time on more important projects.

I provided a sample of my work based on a prompt, and they loved it. From there I got started with research and brainstorming.

Class Act Detroit organization logo Class Act Detroit organization logo
  • Target audience
    • Area youth and their guardians
    • Community leaders in the area
    • Organizations and individauls with similar interests
  • Brand description
    • Current
    • Hip hop
    • Vibrant
    • Welcoming
    • Digitally literate
  • Client goals for design
    • Increase engagement
    • Expand program enrollment
    • Communicate professionalism, polish, and consistency
    • Expand network of local and global partners


The biggest issue on my mind when starting was authenticity. Hip-hop, the Detroit area, and Black culture are not natively familiar to me, so I would have to immerse myself in appropriate content to even get close to something that seemed authentic. I complied a research document covering Hip-hop history, Detroit history, current hip-hop scene in the mid-west, and visual styles associated with all those topics.

Furthermore, the organization was trusting me with posting during Black History Month. I dove deeply into the history of that event and current trends, with a focus on sensitivity and appropriateness.

Other research areas:

  • Listening to Detroit hip hop artists
  • Demographicsd of Class Act Detroit's Instagram community
  • Most successful recent Instagram posts
  • Notable Black digital artists
Class Act Detroit Instagram Page Class Act Detroit Instagram Page


I used photos of the programs provided by the organization, as well as stock photos and photos from around Instagram. I made a few original illustrations, as well as photo collages and informational posts.

For a video post, I used a screen-recording application while interacting with a virtual tour on a local museums website. The recording was then posted with a caption linking to the museum and its exhibit.

Post Examples

(Click the thumbnail for a larger version including caption and hashtags)

Evaluation & Metrics

The project was a great success, based on enrollment numbers given to me by the organizers and engagement and follow metrics going up over the period.

Beyond metrics, the organizers told me that there were a large number of direct messages they received during my run, both praising the quality of the posting, as well as inquiries about starting partnerships from other groups and individuals.

Line graph showing Instagram engagement going up Line graph showing Instagram engagement going up
bar graph depicting enagement numbers for different hashtags bar graph depicting enagement numbers for different hashtags


  • Value
    • Increased program enrollment
    • Improved and expanded web presence
    • Networking with individuals and organizations
  • Tools
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Adobe After Effects
    • Adobe Stock
    • Later
    • Google Docs
    • Slack
    • Screen-recording software
  • Skills
    • Digital illustration
    • Photo retouching
    • Copywriting
    • Typography and color
    • Work within company style
    • Timely completion of work
    • Commitment to quality
    • Public relations