Mobile App Prototype

As part of Interface Design class, I was tasked with building a mobile app, from conception of an idea through to a fully interactive prototype. I took a poll of friends and family, and a common problem was diffculty choosing what to cook for dinner.

I had recently spent a lot of time using dating apps, and thought that the simple "swipe left for no, swipe right for yes" core interaction would be perfect for matching the user with meals they would like to eat.

I started by designing how the core interface screen would look and function, then added a helpful onboarding sequence, a loading and login screen, and the deeper recipe information screens.

The user persona I focused on when considering features and UI was people like my brother, in their 20's - 30's, who are in the habit of cooking dinner at home and have some cooking experience.

I used Affinity Designer to make comps, and made use of a UI kit called "Phoenix" designed by Adrian Chiran. I then constructed an interactive prototype, including animations.

I am in the midst of updating the web hosting for the prototype. I will add a link to it here as soon as it is ready.